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Tech companies increase their demand for Quality Assurance (QA) testers. Careerist has guided thousands of students towards their first high-paying tech jobs.

Start a career in tech as a QA tester

Tech companies increase their demand for Quality Assurance (QA) testers. Careerist has guided thousands of students towards their first high-paying tech jobs. Are you ready to accept a $70k-$100k job offer and start a new career?


Meet the fastest path to start and grow a high-paying career in tech. Our guarantee: pay no tuition until you get a job



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Training and internship in an IT career

February 4, 2021
What skills does an IT professional need?
What skills does an IT professional need?

It doesn't matter which learning method you choose, the point is, developing strong communication skills will help you to become a better team member, will help you stand out in job interviews, and it’ll ultimately take your tech career to the next l