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Become Independent Partner with inCruises. Registration in the club

$ 95.00

United States
Become Independent Partner with inCruises. Registration in the club

Become Independent Partner with inCruises. Registration in the club

$ 95.00

United States


1. Your Success Is Our First Core Value! - Your dreams matter deeply to us! We will ensure your Club Membership, Partnership, and business systems always deliver world-class value.
2. Transparency - You will have complete visibility to the realities of your Club Membership and Partnership. You should know exactly where you stand and how to get what you want through inCruises.
3. Partner Representation - We collaborate in key corporate decisions with your highest ranking field leaders, called our “Board of Directors”.
4. Stability - You can build with confidence knowing the stability of your Partner opportunity is paramount.
We avoid frequent rules and compensation changes. If updates are necessary you will be informed in advance.
5. Your Business is Your Business - As an independent contractor, you are free to build your business as you want, where you want, and with whom you want, as long as you do so adhering to our Policies and
Procedures Manual and within the requirements and legality of your local rules and laws.

As a Partner Leader, you and your team are responsible for all team-building activities, like organizing local and Regional Events. We expect you to create additional Recognition Systems and award prizes during your Team Retreats to build your team into a thriving, vibrant culture.

5 INcome Sources:
1. Activation Bonuses
2. Weekly Matching Bonus
3. Team Leadership Bonus
4. Recurring Income
5. Builders Base Bonus

To be eligible to earn INcome Partners must:
● Need to pay your $95 renewal payment every 6 months.*
○ You will not be able to claim INcome lost during any time period you are not current with Partnership renewal payments.
● Marketing Director rank Partners and above must meet the direct Minimum Activations Requirement by Activating a required number of Members in a specified time frame.

Become partner: signup in inCruises


United States