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Entering Arab country

I will just add some stuffs we need to know in going ot travelling to other place or country. Your examples above are very important to know in travelling or entering other country. 

But one thing is very important that you didn't include was LEARNING their basic LANGAUGE  or words. It is important that if we go to a country we didn't know, we need to know even few words so that we could communicate to people on that particular country you choose to visit.  I will give you one scenario.

 WHY? we need to know even few words from their language, just in case there is emergency and you dont have any companion whom you can talk in english and the only person on that moment was a person who can only speak their own langauge. So it is important to learn few langauge or words because langauge is a way of communication.

Also, in travelling to other country I suggest that we need to study or have a research about what really their origin or character. Just like before when I travel to  Dubai, girls don't talk to their brother in law. To avoid conflict maybe. Woman are not allowed to see any man in their house except their father. So it is important that we have a bit of research about those stuffs so that if you are guy who entered their resedence you should understand why. 

And last thing I would suggest was their money. You should have research about how high or small the value of their money. Because there are some country that in others it seems like big amount in other country is just small amount. Just like when I talk to my friend UGANDAN she told me that dirhams are huge currency compare to their currency when you exchange the money.

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